Please feel free to say this prayer. I know it appears ambiguous in some regards, but it is intended to pray for the safety of innocent people on all sides (we’re all humans). Because I do not know God’s will, I ask His will be done.
Heavenly father,
I pray for the situation in the Ukraine. I do not know your will, Oh Lord, but I pray Your will be done. If this war is meant to occur, Lord, please protect the innocents on all sides, civilian or military. Humans cannot achieve this when at war under their own might, but you are God of all creation and you can do the impossible.
I ask that you answer the call to those who are feeling desperate, uncertain and afraid. The adults, the children and the elderly. The men and the women. The visitors that don’t live there and may not be able to leave. I ask that you impress upon the peoples’ hearts, both the believers and the unbelievers to cry out to you for help. To magnify the collective voice to protect the innocents from needless suffering.
I ask you Lord, as your humble servant, to impress upon the hearts of leaders around the world to seek Your will in this matter and I ask you to protect those who seek to help diffuse a situation and not make it worse.
If war must take place, I ask that you provide for those displaced, or left seeking refuge. I ask you that you provide them such refuge and food and basic needs. And that you provide helpers, who develop courage that can only be said to be of divine origin, for they will no doubt put themselves at risk. I ask that if war is meant to take place, that you use this as an opportunity for people in desperate situations to look outside their immediate surroundings and feel the call and desire to seek you, with all their hearts.
Thank you Lord for hearing me and answering my cry for help for the people in the Ukraine, Russia and affected nations.